Happy New Year!
We will be kicking off our new year with a focus on service work. If you live in the area and wish to join us for service oriented projects throughout the year, please join http://www.meetup.com/Volunteer-South-Florida/ Our first event, a meet and greet, will take place on January 8th. For more events, please check out the events page.
Starting in February there will be a weekly audio meditation and teaching available for a $5 donation. A portion of the donation will go towards a different charity organization each week. Funds raised and donated will be tracked on our giving back page.
Daily Reflection
To begin our new year we will be reflecting on the differences between who we think we should be and who we really are. This may take some intense inner work and I encourage you to reflect on these differences throughout the year.
Each of us have a picture of who we think we should be and we make choices according to this picture of ourselves. The problem is sometimes who we think we should be and who we really are are in conflict with each other.
For example, Tami thinks she should be a more authoritarian parent who sets strict rules for her children but this is not who she really is; this is what society wants her to be. She wants to be a different kind of parent.
Let's take some time in our journals and reflect on the divide between who we think we should be and who we are.
To begin write down I should be....but who I really am....
The benefit of this practice is to become more comfortable with who you really are and to love and accept that person. You will want to let go of who you think you should be.
Swami K
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