Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Painting Thoughts

Daily Reflection
Our thoughts rise and fall. We habitually think the same thoughts and it is difficult to change our thoughts. For this reason, we draw thoughts to us. The problem is that we do not often observe these thoughts or participate in the situation. We let our thoughts control us and our actions reflect these thoughts. If this is the case, perhaps we should draw (or paint) our thoughts. What I mean here is that as a painter paints on her canvass so too can we. Paint the thoughts you want to have (instead of the thoughts you do have) onto your canvass today.

In your journal today reflect on what thoughts you are always thinking. For example, do you often think of your partner? Do you often think of work? What are your thought patterns? What thoughts are you drawing to you and how does this shape your life? If you could change one thought that would help you live more harmoniously what would it be?

Swami K

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