Daily Reflection
We all view life from our own personal lens. We see life through the filters we have. It can be very challenging to see someone else's point of view or why that person made a particular choice because of the lenses we are looking through. It can be helpful to us if we change our glasses. If we put on a new set of lenses from time to time to try to experience life in a different way. For example, if I am experiencing difficulty in a particular area of my life, instead of continuing to struggle, I need to change my lenses. I need to look at life through a different pair of glasses. This can be very powerful and can help you get unstuck from those places where you are stuck.
In your journal today talk about one area of your life in which you feel stuck. Now, try on a different pair of glasses and look at the problem again. Try looking at the problem through the eyes of your partner, your friend, your mother, a child. How would each of these people see the problem? Now, try looking at the problem through the eyes of The Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Oprah, or any other mentor or teacher you find powerful. Record all of these thoughts in your journal. Choose the lens that best suits your needs to work with the problem.
Swami K
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