Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 2 - The Venus or Heart Chakra

Daily Reflection
This week we will be discussing 5 of the Chakras and the goal of each Chakra. Each chakra has a message for our learning.

Today's reflection will be centered on the Venus or Heart Chakra. Traditionally, this chakra relates to our ability to release our emotional pain and live our lives centered on love, compassion, and caring - both for ourselves and others.

In your journal today reflect on and write about your relationship with your heart chakra. What painful experiences are you still holding on to? Is there anyone you need to forgive? Is it easy or difficult for you to love? Act compassionately? Be caring towards yourself and others?

One good asana to help you balance your Venus Chakra is child's pose. Try to work this into your practice today.

Swami K

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 1 - Mercury or Throat Chakra

Daily Reflection
This week we will be discussing 5 of the Chakras and the goal of each Chakra. Each chakra has a message for our learning.

Today's reflection will be centered on the Mercury or Throat Chakra. The Mercury Chakra traditionally relates to the throat and our ability to find and sing our life song. It is here that aham bramasmi comes into play. Aham bramasmi means "I am the creative principle" or the artist of my life. Here we are called upon to create our lives in a way that manifests our destiny. Carolyn Myss talks about this throat chakra as being the place where we surrender to God's will for us or put another way that we let go and do what comes the most naturally to us. We use our talents and skills to create that which we are supposed to do in this lifetime.

In your journal today reflect and write about your destiny or purpose. Do you have a sense that your life has a purpose? What are your specific talents and skills? Do you need to find more time to reflect on the specific destiny laid out for your life? Are you living your purpose?

One good asana to help balance the Mercury Chakra is shoulder stand. Try to work this asana into your practice today.

Swami K

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Please take the weekend to reflect on your journal entries this week. Look for patterns in thinking, explore ideas in more detail, and summarize what you learned about yourself this week.

Swami K

Friday, September 26, 2014

Try Something New

Daily Reflection
Have you ever read "The Myth of Sisyphus"? If you have not, you can find the story and commentary here: http://www.nyu.edu/classes/keefer/hell/camus.html

The piece of the story I want to focus on today is the point about how Sisyphus does the same thing over and over and over. Our lives become like this as we fall into our own patterns. Each day we wake up, we go to work or clean our house, we speak with our friends and family; in short, we, like Sisyphus, do the same thing over and over and over. The problem is that when we do not make a space in our lives for new experiences, we risk repeating the same patterns, having the same thoughts, and keeping ourselves stuck in the same situation.

If we try something new, we grow, expand, learn, change our patterns, and change our thinking.

In your journal today make a list of 12 things you would like to try. Now, open your calendar and schedule one new thing for each month of the year. As you try and experience each new thing record this experience in your journal.

Swami K

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Schedule A Day Off

Daily Reflection
It is very important to take time for yourself and to take time to rest. Resting is an essential part of your spiritual practice. Resting helps to rejuvenate you and it also helps you be more kind and compassionate to others. Many of us do not work regular rest periods into our lives. Many of us feel that we cannot take a break or do not deserve a break. Your life will expand and improve if you take regular breaks.

In your journal today reflect on the last time you took a break. What did you do? How did it make you feel? What were the positive results? What did you think as you were taking this break?

I also want you to take out your calendar and schedule a day off just for yourself. Schedule some time for reflection, perhaps take a walk or do whatever you most enjoy doing. Take your journal with you on your day of rest and record the experience.

Swami K

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Value of Reading

Daily Reflection
Today, I want to talk about the value of reading. We should strive to read something new every day. Why? Because reading exposes the mind to new, different, and diverse thoughts. One goal of yoga is to change the way we think, to get us thinking differently. One way to achieve this goal is to read a variety of different books, essays, and articles from a variety of writers from all over the world. Reading will expose us to new thoughts, thoughts we can use to grow and expand our consciousness. Through reading, we come to understand the way others think. We can examine their thoughts and compare their thoughts to ours. We can step into their shoes, if only for a moment, and think outside of our normal thinking patterns.

In your journal, I want you to reflect on one book, essay or article that changed your thinking. What was your thinking like before you read this material? What was your thinking like after you read it? What changed? How did it expand and help you grow? What shift in consciousness did you see?

Swami K

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Thoughts that Bind Us

Daily Reflection
Our thoughts are very powerful. They create our lives. Some of the thoughts that we have hold us in one position and we feel stuck. Our thoughts tell us that we can't do the things we wish to do. The tricky thing about thoughts is that if you think that you cannot do something than you cannot do that thing. The thoughts you have create your reality. Today, I want you to move beyond those thoughts that are sticky and gluey and holding you in one place. Just for a moment, I want you to believe instead that you can do that thing you have been longing to do. Set aside your usual thoughts and think differently.

In your journal, record 3 things that your thoughts normally tell you that you can't do. For example, your thoughts might say, "You are too old to go back to school or you can't find the love of your life." Now, take the 3 thoughts that you wrote in your journal and switch them around to read "I can go back to school or I can find the love of my life, etc". Take these "I can" thoughts and repeat them over and over as if they are a mantra. Watch what happens in your life. Record what changes over this next week.

Swami K

Monday, September 22, 2014

Connecting to Your Heart

Daily Reflection
Sometimes it is difficult to hear what our hearts want because our minds are so busy talking to us. Today, I want you to get in touch with and connect more with your heart. The first step will be to do a short meditation in order to quiet our thoughts. Sit in a comfortable position and begin breathing deeply connecting with your breath. Watch your thoughts flow in and out of your mind. Stay distant from the thoughts. Do not engage with the thoughts flowing through your mind. Instead, just return to your breath. Breathing in and out gently, connect with your breath. Do this practice for 5-10 minutes.

Now that you are feeling more relaxed and centered focus your energy in your heart's center. Tune in to this energy and listen. What is your heart trying to tell you? What does it long for? What would it like you to do?

Reflect on these questions and answer them in your journal. What new things did you discover about what your heart wants as opposed to what your head wants? Begin to listen to your heart more and put your heart's desires into practice.

Swami K

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Please take the weekend to reflect on your journal entries this week. Look for patterns in thinking, explore ideas in more detail, and summarize what you learned about yourself this week.

Swami K

Friday, September 19, 2014

Your Reactions

Daily Reflection
Today, I want you to reflect on how you react when someone is irritated or angry with you or if they criticize or judge you in a way that is bothersome to you. Do you leave and try to get out of the situation? Do you shut down and turn inward? Do you pull away and ignore the person or shut them out in some way? Do you criticize them back or say angry, unpleasant things? What is your reaction when someone has hurt you?

Today in your journal I want you to reflect on the questions above and think about the following: Is this reaction helpful - perhaps some of it is and some of it is not. Consider all sides. Where did this reaction originate? For example, do your parents react in this same way? The goal is find out when this type of reaction started, where it came from. Would you like to continue to have this reaction or would you like to make a change? If you want to make a change, what would you like to change and how could you go about it?

Swami K

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I Appreciate You

Daily Reflection
On most days we think more about how we want people to change. This or that irritates us about the person's personality. We think, "if only you would do...my life would be better."

Today, I want you to observe your interactions with others and I want you to notice what you are thinking. Are you thinking critical thoughts or harmonious thoughts? Are you irritated or frustrated with something that person is doing?

Today, instead of speaking up about your frustration, I want you to think about one thing that you appreciate about that person and then I want you to tell them about it. Each time you have a negative thought about someone discard it and replace it with appreciation. Continue this practice throughout your day and write about these experiences in your journal.

Swami K

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Be in Harmony

Daily Reflection
Today, I was listening to a couple that has been married for 25 years talk about how they approach their relationship. The discussion was about how they communicate with each other during challenging times. What really struck a cord with me is when the man of the couple said "I want to be in harmony with you". I thought what a wonderful approach. He went on to say that even though they were arguing, he didn't want to do anything that might further irritate his spouse, so he took a step back from the situation and thought about how he could approach her in the most harmonious way.

I think the lesson here is that we can do this in all of our relationships. In any given moment, we can ask ourselves "am I in harmony with you, right now, in this moment." I encourage you to pause as you interact with others today. To pause and ask yourself this question - am I in harmony with you? If you feel the exchange is not harmonious ask yourself - what might I do to turn this around and make it harmonious? How can I leave this conversation feeling good about our exchange? Record these experiences in your journal and reflect on this harmonious practice.

Swami K

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Be Gentle

Daily Reflection
Today I want you to be gentle with everyone you encounter. It is easy to be gentle with people when we hear about a challenge they are experiencing or an illness or a tragedy. We often take a step back and say to ourselves "no matter how this person behaves today, I am going to be gentle with her because today she is struggling." We give our friends, our family a pass during a difficult time. However, we should do this every day. We should try to be gentle every day, in every moment. Rather than criticize and judge just be gentle.

In your journal today reflect on what happens when you are gentle with someone. When you listen and respond compassionately what happens between you and that person? What is different? Does your relationship grow and become deeper? Bring this practice into your life and reflect on those moments when you are gentle and when you are not. Record your experience in your journal.

Swami K

Monday, September 15, 2014

Your Sacred Self

Daily Reflection
Today, I thought it would be nice to remind everyone what we are trying to achieve during the practice of meditation and doing these daily reflections. We are trying to get to know our sacred self. The sacred self is that self that is beyond thought, beyond our moods and emotions, beyond our physical bodies. The sacred self is that self that is the objective observer. The one who can watch the thoughts and observe them without attachment to them. We need to remind ourselves everyday to return to this sacred self. Peace, bliss, connection to our own version of the divine both within us and without us can be found here. This is the place from which you can act compassionately, from which you can see clearly, from which happiness arises. Take some time today to connect with your sacred self.

In your journal today I want you to reflect on your sacred self. Who is this self? What techniques do you use to get in touch with this sacred self? How can you act from this sacred self?

Swami K

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Please take the weekend to reflect on your journal entries this week. Look for patterns in thinking, explore ideas in more detail, and summarize what you learned about yourself this week.

Swami K

Friday, September 12, 2014


Daily Reflection
Today, I want you to examine the people in your life that you seek approval from. Perhaps you seek approval from your parents, your partner, your children, your friends, your work colleagues. Let's start our journaling practice today by making a list of all of the people in our lives that we want approval from. After you have made yourself this list ask yourself why you want his or her approval? Why is it important to you?

The funny thing about seeking approval is that it can influence our life choices. What I mean here is that we actually make choices in our own lives dependent on whether or not someone will approve. I am not here to tell you that this is good or bad or neutral. I am just here to make you aware of this particular tendency that humans have. I want you to see how this may affect your life and your choices.

Take a look at your list and write about each of the people and how he/she has affected your choices. Do you feel you made good choices? Bad choices? Neutral Choices? Do you feel you might have made a different choice if you were not seeking approval? Just be aware and be objective. It may be difficult but try to detach yourself from the idea of approval. Just try it for one day and see what happens. Write about the experience in your journal.

Swami K

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Daily Reflection
Today, I want to talk about how we try to control our lives by controlling other people's lives. Today, I want you to notice how you try to control others. I think it is most beneficial if we start by reflecting on how we try to control our primary partner. Think about those tasks you have taken on and why. For example, are you in charge of the finances? Are you in charge of the household tasks? Are you in charge of planning social events? Are you in charge of the calendar? What is your primary partner in control of and why? Is your partner in charge of things that you don't want to do? Have you set up a life that is the most natural for both of you?

It is interesting to look at and examine those tasks we have chosen for ourselves and why we have chosen them. For example, have you chosen to take control of the finances because you are better with money? Because you don't trust your partner's spending? Because you are afraid certain financial goals won't be met if you are not the one in control?

We should really ask ourselves these questions when it comes to all of those tasks we take on in a relationship because the key here is that we want to be in control and by being in control we control someone else. For example, I handle the finances in our household so I tell my husband when we can spend money, how much can be spent and what we can spend money on. While this seems like a perfectly natural situation and happens in many households, we need to be aware of the control portion of this situation. This essentially means that my husband has very little freedom of choice about his own finances. While my husband initially asked me to do this and does not mind that I do this, it is important to keep checking in with him to make sure this is still the most harmonious choice for our relationship.

In your journal today, reflect on the things that you have control over and how that control might affect someone else's life. Discuss this reflection with those to whom it matters and see if this is the most harmonious choice for both of you.

Swami K

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Just Talking About the Weather

Daily Reflection
Today's topic is a little different and it is about something that we may not think about all that often. But, I think it is an important topic to reflect on because it affects us perhaps more than we realize. The purpose of this practice is to know ourselves more intimately and to know our minds so it is important to understand how the weather affects your state of mind. Have you ever woken up and felt happy and peaceful only to look outside and discover it was raining and that changed your state of mind?

For many people September is a time of change in the weather. It signals cooler weather and leaves changing as autumn approaches. For many fall and winter bring times of solace, being trapped in doors, and some take this time to meditate more and reflect more deeply on their lives before the spring approaches.

I found an interesting article in "The Huffington Post" about how weather affects our health and well being. You can find it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/14/climate-health_n_4568505.html

In your journal today reflect on how the weather affects your mood. How do you feel when it is sunny vs when it is raining? How do you feel when it is cooler or cold vs when it is warm? What kind of weather makes you feel peaceful? What kind of weather irritates your mind? How can you live harmoniously through all types of weather?

Swami K

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twelfth House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our twelfth house, the house of the hidden. The unexpected, the unseen, the subconscious, the secrets, the self-help or self-undoing.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Today you should ask yourself the following questions in relation to your twelfth house:

What have your most difficult battles been, your hardest tasks? How have you approached them?

What do you most worry about? What secrets do you carry?

Do you tend to help yourself or do things to undo what you are trying to accomplish?

What symbols are present in your life?

In what areas do you feel confined or stuck?

Swami K

Monday, September 8, 2014

Eleventh House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our eleventh house, the house of friends, hopes and aspirations.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Today, you should begin your reflections with an investigation of the role that friends play in your life. Do you have a lot of friends or only a few? Do you prefer deep relationships with a few people or do you like to get to know a lot of people? How much time in your life do you make for friends? Do you have trouble making friends?

After you have explored the role of friendships in your life, you should reflect on your hopes, dreams and aspirations. What do you most want to do in this lifetime? Are you doing it now? What would you like to accomplish or achieve? What do you hope for? What is your attitude towards hope? What are your dreams? Are you fulfilling your dreams?

Swami K

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Please take the weekend to reflect on your journal entries this week. Look for patterns in thinking, explore ideas in more detail, and summarize what you learned about yourself this week.

Swami K

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tenth House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our tenth house, the house of career, father, destiny, and government

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

There are many different key areas to reflect on in this house, so please ask yourself the following questions:

Career or profession - what career or profession are you currently in? Are you happy with it? Are there any changes you would like to make? Does it tie into your destiny? What types of relationship are present in your career and how do you get along with your bosses, managers, and others that are in authority in your profession? Would you like to be the one in charge?

Father - What role did your father play in your life? If he has passed on what do you most miss about him? How is your relationship with your father now? Is it everything you would like it to be?

Destiny - do you feel you have a particular destiny? If yes, what is it? If no, why not? Do you feel there is something you are meant to do in this lifetime? Are you doing it? Do you feel a longing to do it?

Government - what is your attitude towards government? Are you a part of a particular political party? What political views do you hold? Is activism important to you?

Swami K

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ninth House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our ninth house, the house of education and travel.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Let's begin your reflection today with an evaluation of your education and the traveling you have one in your life. Note down any significant educational milestones you have reached. How do you feel about the role of education in your life? Would you like more education? What subjects interest you? How could you expand your education? What role does education play in your spiritual unfoldment?

Now, let's move on to travel. Have you traveled? Where have you gone? Why? Do you enjoy travel? Where would you like to go? Do you dislike travel? Why?

Swami K

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Eighth House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our eighth house, the house of other people's money and legacies.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Today, you should begin your reflections by investigating the role of other people's money in your life. Are you receiving any money from others? Should you be? Are you involved in any lawsuits because someone owes you money? Do you find it easy to receive money from others? Difficult? Do you have any obstacles to financing or is anyone denying you money? How do you feel about it? Have you received monetary gains or losses through marriages, partnerships or businesses? How do you feel about them?

You should also reflect on your legacy. What will you leave for others? Why is this legacy important to you?

Swami K

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Seventh House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our seventh house, the house of marriage.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Today you can begin your reflections by describing your attitude towards marriage and if marriage is not available to you due to your sexual orientation then you should reflect on your relationship with your primary partner. Is marriage an important part of your life now? Was it in the past? Would you like to get married? What does marriage mean to you? How would you define marriage? How does your culture or society define marriage? What types of conflicts are present in your marriage? What parts of your marriage do you find to be the most harmonious?

Swami K

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sixth House

Daily Reflection
Today we will be reflecting on our sixth house, the house of health and work.

If you enjoy astrology and wish to learn more about which planets and sun signs affect your personality, feel free to do so. For the purpose of our reflections today, we are just going to take a look at our lives as they are in this current moment and observe the main features we see. This is only a preliminary investigation of each of the 12 houses. We are only familiarizing ourselves with the basics.

Today you should examine your health and the work you do by asking yourself the following questions: In general, are you healthy? What problems have you experienced with your health in the past? Are you experiencing any health problems now? Would you like to be more healthy than you are now? If so, how might you achieve this goal?

What type of work is present in your life? Do you enjoy the work you do? Would you like to work more? Less? Would you like to do different work than you are doing now? If yes, how could you change what you do? What do you spend most of your day doing? What is your attitude towards work?

Swami K