Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 22 - Food Fasting

Today's Tarka Practice

Today I want to talk about food fasting as a way to help you learn to have more control over your mind and your body.

Disclaimer – before beginning any type of fast, please check with your doctor first and be aware of any types of medical conditions that may not allow you to do a traditional (water only) fast.

There are many ways to fast. You do not have to give up all food for the whole day or for several days. You can begin to have more control over your mind and body simply by eating less. In fact, this is the method suggested for those who have specific types of medical problems and are unable to do a traditional fast. Again, please check with your doctor first.

If your doctor allows it, you can then progress on to removing only one meal or one snack during your day. As you practice food fasting more and more, you can eliminate more meals slowly until you are eventually drinking only water for one day. If you can never eliminate all food for one day, this is fine. You will still learn the same spiritual lessons.

The spiritual benefits of food fasting are to gain more control over the body and mind and to connect more deeply with your spirit. This happens because while you are fasting the body becomes irritable and you begin to become consumed by thoughts of eating. When you start fasting, you will notice that all you can think about is food. Trying to stop these thoughts helps you gain control over your mind and body. We realize that we are not the body. The body really doesn’t need this food. We are disciplining ourselves. We are trying to break free of our bodies. We are trying to master our bodies. We become more aware of our spirit.

If your doctor allows it, pick one day this week and begin your fast by just eating less during the day. In your journal, record what happened during your fast. Was it easy or difficult? What came into your mind? What type of relationship do you have with food? Observe all irritations you experienced and record them in your journal.

When you are ready to progress, do the fast again and eliminate one snack, and then one meal and so on. Each time you fast, write about your experiences and see what you learn about yourself and your relationship to food. It might surprise you.

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