Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 36 - Ganesh Part 2

Today's Tarka Practice
This week we are talking about the symbolism of Ganesh. You may want to go back and read part 1 first.

Ganesh has the large ears of the elephant (rather than human ears) and this represents the idea that we should listen more. We need to listen more to our inner wisdom (intuition); we need to listen more to others when they are speaking  and we need to listen more to the beliefs and ideas that are being presented to us. When we are listening to these ideas, we need to determine whether or not they are bringing us closer to self-realization or farther away. For example, harboring anger towards someone and carrying that anger with us all of the time will bring us farther away from self-realization, but forgiving someone might bring us closer to self-realization.

For today's reflection think about the experiences you have had over the past week and write them down. See if you can identify what experiences brought you closer to self-realization and what experiences brought you farther away. For example, your journal entry might look like this:

Got frustrated with my son and shouted at him - this brought me farther away

Gave my husband the opportunity to go to a workshop in his field on the weekend - brought me closer self-realization

Studied some passages in the Gita - brought me closer to self-realization

Found my mind wandering to my own obstacles when my friend was discussing hers - brought me farther away


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