Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 1 - The Breath of Life

Daily Reflections

This week we will be talking about the breath. The breath or prana (life energy) plays an essential role in our lives. While we normally don't think much about our breathing and it happens automatically, in yoga, we learn to work with the breath in many ways. The practice of pranayama or controlling the breath (or life force) is vital because it helps us to live better and more harmoniously. It improves our healthy, our vitality, our creativity and our thinking. Although breathing is one of the simplest things we can do, we have often lost touch with our own breath so this week will be all about rediscovering our breath and the relationship we have to it.

In your journal today, I want you to begin by just simply observing your breath. Just notice it in your body. Where do you feel it? Is there anywhere in which it feels stuck or restrained? Where does it flow easily? How do you feel about your breath? Does breathing come easily to you or do you suffer from an illness or medical condition that makes it hard to breath? Write down any thoughts you have on the breath and its role in your life.

Swami K

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