Daily Reflections
This week we will be talking about the breath. The breath or prana (life energy) plays an essential role in our lives. While we normally don't think much about our breathing and it happens automatically, in yoga, we learn to work with the breath in many ways. The practice of pranayama or controlling the breath (or life force) is vital because it helps us to live better and more harmoniously. It improves our healthy, our vitality, our creativity and our thinking. Although breathing is one of the simplest things we can do, we have often lost touch with our own breath so this week will be all about rediscovering our breath and the relationship we have to it.
Today, I will have you lie down in Savasana. Just rest and don't try to control the breath. Try to notice your breath pattern. Are you breathing mostly in your chest? Your abdomen? Your throat? Can you feel the breath in the limbs of your body? Your toes? Your fingers? Where do you feel the inhale? Where do you feel the exhale?
After you observe your breath in Savasana write down the answers to the above questions and reflect on the breaths movement and your breathing pattern.
Swami K
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